While it is forecasted to increase rents, hiring teams to stay in the same shape or shrink will be a top priority in 2017, investing in recruiting technology that facilitates the recruitment process.
Here are 4 ways the hiring process can improve each step.
Step 1: Create a free rack
This first step in the ideal recruitment process involves identifying the vacancies in terms of responsibility, type (e.g., full-time or part-time) and compensation.
This step also involves creating a job description based on the knowledge, experience and skills needed for the job.
How Technology recruiting Toronto Can Improve To Create a Free Rack
Job postings are notorious for thinking about hiring, but more and more employers realize a good job description is part of your hiring marketing.
Software that conducts sensation analysis in job descriptions can identify potentially biased languages and suggest alternatives.
By creating more appealing and inclusive job descriptions, you can increase the diversity of your candidate pool while attracting more qualified fit candidates to your blank record.
Second step: Attract and encourage candidates
The next step in the recruitment process involves attracting and sourcing candidates using strategies such as referrals, social recruiting, job fair and talent community.
Sourcing candidates can be managed in the organization or externally in the larger talent marketplace
How technology can improve sourcing candidates
Hiring software that uses algorithms to scrape potential candidates’ online profiles and portfolios can help you source inactive candidates.
A new function of recruitment technology called Talent Rediscovery can help you source both external and internal candidates by screening existing resumes in your ATS and finding strong matches for your current open record.
A simple ATS is not designed to be able to do it quickly and accurately. Only with the recent advancements in technology can such a resume re-search be possible.