Marketing and selling your products to the fast growing Asian markets have been becoming a common act for foreign brands and businesses. In Asian regions or countries such as Hong Kong or Taiwan, there is no exception. Take HK as a scenario, the best strategy is always to integrate traditional offline marketing with online digital marketing in Hong Kong locally.

Let’s examine the local marketing ideas. The ideas below are for marketers who need to help branding their businesses and selling their products to their local communities in Hong Kong or Taiwan regions.

List your business on Google Maps and Google My Business.

Start building a local business network. Network with people in the local communities, especially the people who are working in the same fields with you or have similar skills to yours. One good way to get many marketers all in one place and to get to know each other is through hosting a digital marketing forum in your local area. Alternatively, you can join one of the marketing forums that is hosted by other marketers.

Create a blog, and keep blogging on it. The only reason to blog is to show off your expertise, your previous experience, or even real case studies you have involved. So you should not be blogging a lot without a main objective. For the blog, you can always quickly install WordPress on your web host service. Many web hosts nowadays provide very simple methods (such as through a few clicks on cpanel or an installation wizard) for marketers to set up WordPress as their blog/website.

Create videos and podcast. Alongside your blog, the videos and podcast audios would be great addition to enhance the invisibility of your expertise to your industry.

Give out coupons. This can lead to a short term quick sales boost. The main objective of this method is to get a taste of what the local consumers are like in Taiwan or Hong Kong.

Set up partnerships and work with other professionals in your industry. Strategically in your blog, videos and podcast, you may from time to time mention or refer your business partners. When you do this often and enough, they would start returning favor.

Write articles and publish on blogs of the local community. Not just your own blog, but whenever you can you should expand blogging to other blogs. You should be able to reach new audience/readers.

Host a contest. Usually a local contest would get your brand’s name out there in the community.

Participate in trade shows. Needless to say. This is one of the most traditional ways to meet new people in the same industry and even potential customers who would be interested in your products.

Involve in the local communities and be personally accessible at all times – If the marketers cannot commit to this, then at the very least one of the salespersons has to be available.

The online channels such as Facebook, Google, etc. Do not forget when you are doing online digital marketing, these are always the major channels that you cannot miss.

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