There is a very concerning phenomenon going on among teenagers, but also among kids with smaller and smaller ages. The computer addiction has become a real drug they can let go of only with tremendous efforts. Kids have become extremely vulnerable because of this addiction to the electronic drug, to electronic communication, to the latest games and records, ending up spending even ten hours a day in front of their computers.

Parents and grandparents are now having a hard time stopping them from destroying their eyes and things only get a lot worse if they try to punish the little ones or to make them obey any new rules. The little ones end up isolated, incapable of socializing and failing in school. Also, they get very dangerous vices.

More and more parents take their children to a psychologist, who want to determine the parents to understand that they need to make some rules when they buy them such a device. It doesn’t matter if we refer to a highly performing computer or to a low performance one. Most of the times, parents think that their kids should have everything they didn’t get when they were little, so they forget about setting rules and controlling the time the little ones spend in front of the computer. They can’t tell if they kid has crossed the line or if they spend too much time in front of the computer.

There is just one step fro passion to addiction. Also, another major mistake is that parents agree to put the computer in their children’s room or in places where they cannot be supervised. Pay attention to what your kids do on and with their computers because you might regret your choices after some time.

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