Social media has grown to be a powerful marketing tool. With so many social networks and others still emerging, companies can easily expand their reach to increase sales and grow their businesses. However, to succeed in social media, companies need to establish a solid plan that focuses on their efforts and strategic analysis. They should invest in social media analysis to help them define their target audience, digital marketing goals, and understand their competitors. It is also essential to identify the tools and metrics available to help achieve a successful social analysis as a marketer. Follow these steps to complete your social analysis effectively.

  1. Define Your Social Media Goals

Your social media goals are your driving wheels. You must clearly define what your company intends to accomplish and set the time limit for your goals. What do you want to achieve? Perhaps you want to increase sales, increase brand awareness, provide customer support, or expand your customer base. Once you’re clear about your social media, jump on to the next step.

  1. Define Your Target Audience

Identifying your target market is an integral part of a successful social media analysis process. A market consists of so many people whose needs are unique, so trying to satisfy everybody is an impossible mission. Make sure you determine and analyze your ideal customers based on their demographics. Figure what they may be interested in by considering their education, age, social status, gender, interest, and attitude. Follow them on social media and determine their preferred platform and how much time they spend on particular media networks.

  1. Analyze Your Competitors

A general rule in business is that you should be aware of your competitors. Make sure you understand their strengths and pain points and how they develop and communicate their strategies. Determine if your competitors are using social media networks or not, and identify the ones they are thriving. Acquiring this information can help you learn how your competitors are navigating through social media so you can improve your social media analysis strategies.

  1. Consider a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is a valuable metric to use to determine your internal weaknesses and strengths as well as identify new opportunities you can utilize and threats you should keep watch and cut. It is crucial to understand the SWOT analysis to learn what your company has, what to tweak, and what to avoid to achieve a successful social media analysis campaigns.

  1. Conduct a Social Media Audit

Before you think of implementing any social strategy, it can help to perform a social media audit. This can help you evaluate your current social media platforms and how valuable they are to your brand. Some people use audit spreadsheets to list down their social media platforms, but you can also conduct research across your social presence and create a list of your social platforms including the dormant ones. Assess each one of them independently to determine if branding is consistent across all networks. Find out how well your current strategies are working to amplify your brand messages to connect with your prospects. Additionally, track the progress and determine how they’re helping you achieve your long-term goals.

If these processes prove to be overwhelming, you can seek help from industry professionals such as NetBase Quid, who understand the ins and outs of social media analysis.

About NetBaseQuid

NetBase Quid is a premier social media analysis platform dedicated to providing accurate, timely, and valuable consumer insights. It delivers real-time customer information you need to achieve your business goals. These insights would help boost your campaign performance, improve crisis management, and understand how people perceive your brand.

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